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Community Networking

Build more connected communities with engaging Trivia Experiences

TriviaHub Overview

More Connected Communities

No matter the type of community that you are representing, giving your members meaningful ways to get to know each other better is key to building and sustaining community health. 

With TriviaHub, you can now offer an affordable and fun way to get your members engaged while playing along to a trivia game designed just for them. 

Students & Alumni

Give students and alumni a chance to network with their fellow learners.


Provide an opportunity for residents of your apartment or senior center to network.


Show appreciation to your customers with a fun trivia game.


Sports, movies, videos, whatever you're into, treat your fans to a night of fun.

Why Trivia?

Creating connections through trivia

When looking for a community building activity, it is critical to find one that is going to both provide meaningful ways to network and be enjoyable enough they’ll actually like participating.

We’ve found that not much comes close to trivia events – they truly have it all and are at the same time interactive, social, competitive, educational and most of all, fun – what’s not to like?


Theme Library

When you book one of our community building events, you’ll be able to choose from over 300+ trivia themes – we’ve got something for all ages and interests. 

Monthly Specials

Every month, we prepare a special DEI event to honor our past and celebrate our future. We also offer holiday-based trivia events throughout the year.

Premium Trivia Modes

If you’re looking for a fun new spin on trivia, up your game and go with one of our premium games. Song Showdown, Word Puzzles, Fan Riot and more… don’t miss these!

Custom Content

We know that every community is unique, and that’s why we have a professional trivia writing staff to make games for every interest. Just let us know and we can prepare it.

Your community. Our Trivia.

The Whole Trivia Package

When you book a community networking event with TriviaHub, we come prepared with everything you needed to put on a great experience for your group.

After you’ve tried one of our trivia experiences, we know that your community will want to make them a recurring event. That’s why we’ve created many fun ways to customize your trivia each and every time.

Community networking event

Let Us Do The Heavy Lifting

Professionally Facilitated Experiences

When you’re looking to create an extra special event that requires a bit more than your in-house talent, that’s when TriviaHub’s professional hosts come to your rescue!

Our professional hosts are both career entertainers and trivia-based event experts. They’ll bring that all important human element to the event and ensure that everyone has ample opportunity to communicate, collaborate, and have fun in safe and inclusive environment.

Global Impact

TriviaHub Has Helped Build community at 10,000+ organizations

build stronger connections at your community

Host your own trivia-based community event or contact us to learn how one of our professional hosts can help